Find Your Fit

Need a little help determining your size? We've got you covered. Simply order a Støberi sizing kit, which will arrive in your mailbox in just a few days. Once you determine your ideal ring size, come back and place your order on 

Get Sizing Kit

Simple, by any Measure.

Check out this short preview of what you can expect when your free sizing kit arrives in the mail.

Step 1: fasten your belt

Determining proper sizing will take just minutes. The results will last a lifetime. This convenient sizer works similar to a belt. Simply put the end through the loop, slide onto your finger and tighten. The fit should be snug, while still allowing you to slide the sizer past the knuckle, with a some resistance. 

Step 2: do the numbers

The arrow points to your size. If a portion of a number is covered by the "buckle," this represents a half-size.
- The example image is size 7.5 -
Repeat the sizing process at different times of the day, as finger size can be impacted by a variety of factors, including temperature. 

Step 3: order & relax

Select your ring at Each order offers the peace of mind that, should anything be off with the fit, we will start crafting a replacement, even before the original is returned. Oh, and at no additional cost. Shipping is free!

Size Matters

All rings are standard US/Canada sizes. So, if you already know your size (whether from a current ring you own or from being sized at a local jeweler), you're good to go! You can also refer to this convenient chart, for easy conversions.

Still unsure? Go ahead and order the Stoberi Sizing Kit. We'll have it in your mailbox in just a few days.

Get Sizing Kit

The Custom Test Kit

If you request a free sizing kit during checkout, our team may substitute our steel ring test kit for our standard sizer. This is most often the case with precious metal bands.

Want to purchase one of these fancy steel kits, prior to ordering your ring? That's cool, too! We'll even refund the entire purchase after you place your ring order.

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